Belmont Shore PT

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lymphedema Awareness Month

March in Lymphedema Awareness Month

The month of March is dedicated to spread the awareness of lymphedema. In the United State alone, within the elder population, the number of persons afflicted with lymphedema, or at risk of developing it, exceeds 6.8 million individuals.Lymphedema is a notoriously debilitating progressive condition with no known cure. The unfortunate patient faces a lifelong struggle of medical, and sometimes surgical, treatment fraught with potentially lethal complications.

While there is no cure for lymphedema, the condition can be managed through a combination of early detection, clinical treatment, education, and home management. In the early stages of lymphedema, when very mild swelling is present, the condition is managed by compression garment wear, exercise, and elevation. If the condition progresses, physical therapist management may include:

· Manual lymph drainage to help improve the flow of lymph from the affected arm or leg

· Compression garment wear following lymphatic drainage.

· Skin care, such as cleaning the skin of the arm or leg daily and moisten with lotion

· Exercise to improve cardiovascular health and help decrease swelling in some cases.

· Patient education, instruction in proper diet to decrease fluid retention and how to avoid injury and infection

· Garment fitting.

Here at our office we provide lymphedema management of non-invasive, painless, and effective procedures. We can help you live happy, healthy, and active!